Amazing child basket ball player

Photo from Hollywood Life article by Bonnie Fuller

Photo from Hollywood Life article by Bonnie Fuller

Yesterday I shared a youtube of Amira Willinghagen who is a nine-year-old, self- taught opera singer.  Today  I want to share a child prodigy of another kind.  This two-year-old boy, Titus Asby, plays basketball and you’ll have trouble believing what he can do.  He is amazing.  In this youtube he plays against Bradley Cooper and Channing Tatum and wins!!! Enjoy!

Both of these children are doing what they love.  They sing or throw the basket ball because they love it.  I love to write, especially to tell stories about people who lived in the past and the challenges they face and people who live in others worlds in the future.  I can spend all day writing the way this little boy throws the basket ball over and over again.

What do you love to do?  What is it that you can’t wait to do in your free time?

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